Join Our Community!
SubscribeStar is our private community, where subscribers can view our content and engage in conversations with each other in a safe forum, for a low cost per month that supports Tom’s continued work and deters spammers from joining in for casual disruptive commentary. Most of Tom’s content is available for free on various channels, made possible by the generous support of our subscribers and customers, for whom we are eternally grateful.
Why Join SubscribeStar?
Get exclusive access and enjoy spam-free, uncensored conversation. SubscribeStar paid tier subscribers ($5 per month) can view all our free content and special subscriber-only content in one place. This is also where we can engage in intelligent, meaningful, and enlightening dialog, without censorship or disruption. Other benefits of joining SubscribeStar include access to community Zoom calls, opportunities to participate in Tom’s weekly small group discussions, invite-only access to ask questions on Tom’s Friday livestreams, and access to send Direct Messages to Tom and our team. We also seek to fill open job opportunities with qualified candidates from within our community whenever possible.
Why the monthly fee?
Dr. Cowan and his team dedicate many hours each week researching and sharing insights on many health and wellness topics, which we provide for free on various mainstream and alternative social channels. A side note: we don’t love being on mainstream channels (we don’t condone censorship), but we want to reach as many people as possible with our messages of healing, love, and health autonomy. There is a small fee per month ($5) to access our paid tier benefits on SubscribeStar. Most content, except for a few sample posts on the free tier, require the paid tier to access. This fee is used to support Tom’s continued work, and also deters spammers from joining in for casual disruptive commentary. We are so grateful for the support of our subscribers and customers, without whom Tom’s valuable work could not continue.
Why did you choose SubscribeStar?
We recognize that the SubscribeStar platform isn’t perfect, but our SubscribeStar community will be the catalyst to fuel our vision of building a tribe of like-minded individuals across the globe, eventually leading to in person groups who support each other. We are not merely trying to survive our world’s current challenges; we intend to thrive by building grassroots communities that flourish. We can get there with your help. We hope you will join us!